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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Don't Paleo and drive

Dr. E safety message...It is not advisable to eat a steak while you are driving....I learned this today as I was leaving work...I failed to prepare a lunch for myself today..not really a big deal as I have amazing will power and can avoid garbage...But not awesome at around 6 when I am so hungry I start looking at the birds outside and seeing little roasted chickens instead...So I grab a steak...Because Heaven Forbid the fast food industry actually make something healthy...anyway...There I am eating a beautiful bite of steak...in my car....don't judge me....I may have overestimated my ability to chew and drive as before I knew it..I was choking...Skills people...mad skills....so remember people...Only Paleo in the safe zone...as in at a table...with chairs...and no moving vehicles.....

I have a confession to make.....I may or may not be a little judgmental when I am at the grocery store...I may or may not judge you based on what is in your cart.... I also may have extreme anxiety when I am shopping for my kids and I have cereal, bread, and other non paleo items in my cart...It sort of freaks me out....I...am a cart judger....Boom!  I said it!  If you are at the store and you have your cart filled with your special K cereal...Your slim fast shakes...Your protein bars...Which in all actuality are the WORST things on the planet for you...I am going to assume that you are trying to lose weight...But..You just want to eat cereal to make it happen....lets not get moving or make any REAL lifestyle changes....okay since we are on the topic...lets discuss common DIET FADS.. and Myths...
Diet Fads/Myths:
1. The Special K diet
basically its about caloric restriction with super easy to find, cheap, processed grains and chemicals......
It's cheap and easy...It has to work right?  Wrong...While you may initially lose weight because you aren't eating as many calories..You will ultimately fail at this diet as soon as you tire of eating cereal that tastes like cardboard at every meal...

2. The HCG diet...
It's quick....Its easy....its not that cheap...why does this work?  Mainly because you starve yourself...500 calories a day?  Get real dude...is that sustainable?  Is this a lifestyle change?  Nope...Next please..

3. Juicing-
Juicing is a great way to get in your vegetables if you don't like eating them....Problem is...How many of us really like vegetable juice?  Hell no...We love Fruit juices....they taste so much better!!  Because....ding ding ding....they are filled with sugar...yes sugar is natural in this form...but too much of a good thing leads to...too much around the mid section...right?

4.  The South Beach Diet-
Okay..this is one that really initially was capable of working...BEFORE it sold out and became commercialized...bottom line...frozen meals laden with sodium and snacks that are filled with artificial sweeteners?  Lets rename this one the Chemical Shit Storm diet...

5.  Diet Pills...
I'm not even going to get into this....will you lose weight?  Maybe...a little water....but ummmmmm...what the hell are you doing to your body?  The FDA says...I have no idea what this is...and you say...hmmmmm sounds good....let me swallow it?  Are you crazy?

6.  The cleanse...
Drink so mystery concoction and lose weight....yep..you will lose some...and gain that shit right back when you eat again..

So what am I getting at?  How do you lose weight if these diets all seem to fail?  You have to decide to make a lifestyle change..You have to put forth effort...You have to give something up....
Don't look at me like a 4 year old who just had his truck taken away....this isn't crazy...It's logical...
You want to lose weight?
You want to become fit?

Yeah it's not rocket science people....put the donut down...give up your sugar...your boxed foods...your fast foods....It's time to work for our health....

Step one: Give up Sugar....come on people...it's not hard...Quitting Heroin is Hard....Putting the sugar away...thats not hard....
NO!!! NOT MY SUGAR!!!!!!

Step two:  Decide to stick with it for life...Do you need sugar to live?  Do you need Candy?  Do you NEED that Venti Frappucino from starbucks?  Hell no...you want it....but what do you want more? The sugar?  or your health?  The sugar or a longer life full of being able to play with your kids?  Make better decisions....

Step 3:  Make a lifestyle change you can live with...Going paleo wasn't easy for me...My kids don't eat paleo everyday....that was my choice not theirs...but that doesn't mean I can't go Paleo...how many of you make dinner that consists of a Meat, A veggie or fruit and a starch...All of us right?  So how will I ever feed my family?  Lets put that excuse to bed right now....Cut out the starch!  Boom...Dinner is on the damn table.....

Step 4:  EXERCISE...yeah that's right...get off your butt and move.....

There you go...a recipe for success...

So...step away from the Donut...get to the gym...and put in some work...