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Friday, May 17, 2013

Character....The constant search for Captain America

This is going to be a little different from my usual posts..today I want to talk about character...I may not know everything about character, but I do know a few things for certain...I know it when I see it, I'm motivated by and drawn to individuals who have it, and I know Crossfit builds it.  Crossfit athletes know how to fail...they know that to succeed they need to know how to fail...and they are comfortable with it...they know how to lick their wounds in public

...their community is there to support them.  In the community there is no shame in failing, there is no shame in scaling, there is no shame in giving your best and not making it...there is only shame in giving up on someone....Take yesterday for example, the WOD consisted of 10 rounds of 12 pullups and 12 burpees...now I'm no math major or anything, but that is around 120 pull-ups!  I don't care who you are...that is one hell of a workout.  I immediately regretted my decision to RX the WOD about 3 rounds in....and by pull up 117 when my hand tore open I regretted it even more...but I learned something from it...I learned that I could do it.  I learned that it was painful yes.  It made me want to vomit.  It made my knees weak.  But I did it.  My crossfit family was there for me and I did it.  Having said all this I have come to realize that this is how one should approach all situations in life.  Relationships for example should be approached this way.  What would happen if we never started a relationship because we were afraid it would fail?  How would we ever find love?  How would we ever produce?  Would we all just sit idly by and wallow in our own self pity and fear?  That is just ridiculousness right?  You should know by now that I am rarely 100% serious in all of my posts so for the humorous portion I leave you with this little gem....from this day forward I am going to start taking my dates to a Crossfit WOD...If he makes it through a WOD and comes back he may be worth it...if not...well...I guess thats all she wrote....You can tell a lot about a mans character by the way he deals with the pain of a WOD....and what he says during it...will he use his words to deflect the attention away from his own failures or use them to motivate others?  Will he celebrate his failures or wallow in them and never return.....fight for something or give up because its a little to tough.....only time will tell....Character....it speaks volumes......what does yours say about you?

1 comment:

  1. Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and failures can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
    Interesting analogy with relationships. Many times they don't start because of fear.... this planet is full of chickens. Inspiration and persistence are the most important things. Things don't happen overnight and if you know how to be patient and work towards a goal, something positive will happen. For me? I always go for what I want. It might take time to get it but I rarely back away.
