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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Walking DIsaster....

Before you read this blog I'd like you to go ahead and find the song...
One Click Headshot....Feed Me.....and play it....
Ok.....Yeah maybe its been a while...I probably should work on my blogging skills....but whatever...here you go....
It's been one of those weeks...You know the one where life pretty much knocks you down and you say loudly with your chest puffed out like you are some superhero....IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT..and it trolls you and says.....in it's Fire Marshall Bill voice...

The week started off slow with some lame petty cheer mom Drama....What's that you say.....Cheer Mom drama?  NO WAY!!!  That's unheard of.....Well ok....it exists....and believe me...Cheer moms make Dance moms and Soccer Dads look like fluffy marshmallow peeps....Who cares if my daughter is dropping your daughter on her head.....No way am I going to drive out and have my kid actually practice for a little while....that is logical...and there is no place for logic when you are a cheer mom....
Next up.....Woot!  Guess who is working full time again in the insurance BIZ...yep that's me!!  First day they break my computer, take away my hopes of ever having a vacation and send me away to school during my daughters competition..It was sort of like my first day of High School on the Westiside only this time the street gangs all decided to wear suits and pretty lavender shirts.....BOOM...That has to be it right?  HAHAHAHAHA Heavens No!!  I still have cheer practice....drive home...Total my car....Moral of the story....NEVER under any circumstance say...It couldn't possibly be worse because It can!!!  Okay end rant.....Plus side...I'm such a Bad ass I can walk away from a head on collision without a scratch on me or a hair out of place...Beat that!  DR. E has skills....

Okay....maybe these aren't the best skills....but hey they are skills right?  I haven't made it to crossfit in 2 days....2 WHOLE DAYS!!!  I am starting to go through withdrawals....If I don't get to crossfit soon I am going to start back squatting random people in the hallways at work to get my fix...I mean come on!!  Can I get a day of crossfit in please?!!!  I miss my evil sadistic Coach....who has been littering my wall with crazy seemingly impossible workouts.....yes.....my coach is taunting me....I'd expect nothing less.....but I want go go back...I NEED TO GO BACK...ok..maybe I can't turn my head at the moment...and my back hurts....but seriously....I can still workout....right?  For those of you who really know me...You know that if I were to break my leg I would still drag myself into the gym and be like....It's Ok...I'll just rub some dirt on it....lets go..maybe I'm not the smartest cookie....Maybe I don't know the difference between stupid and hardcore....but eh....those are minor technicalities....I'll leave you with this little tid bit of motivation.......

So Put Up or Shut Up.....Get in the gym.......

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