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Monday, March 18, 2013

Feeling a little more mortal...

So my attempt at completing 13.2 wasn't as amazing as I'd hoped...I completed an unimpressive 91 reps while the others completed well above 130....awesome....I could go on and on about how unfair it was that I had to lift 75% of my body weight over my head...but "Aint Nobody Got Time For That!!!"  Lets just say I am feeling very human today....very defeated....but...I am determined to get better....Nothing makes you feel crappier than not being able to lift a weight....well I'm sure there are other things that make people feel crappy but whatever...this is my blog and I am complaining about me....so there....Anyway, other than feeling crappy about my lame status in crossfit this week I had a pretty awesome weekend.  I went to the renaissance festival, I went golfing, I spent time with the people I love...Life is great!!!  I've got this amazing group of girls who are on a sugar detox with me and they are making amazing progress...They are doing their WOD's, posting their meals, supporting each other, I couldn't be happier......Everything is just gumdrops and roses....so on to my next subject.....my progress....wait...scratch that...I just checked the WOD....rollin' on 20's....Are you kidding me today Dave?!!!  3 round of 20 135 pound front squats, 20 burpees, and 20 toes to bar...remember how I called him a dream crusher?  He strikes again........whats my max?  you guessed it 100 pounds......UGH!!!!  Dude!  Come on!!!  It's like dangling a carrot in front of me....come on Erika....come on....you can get there....you're almost there....oh...time for a weight change.....But I will just keep coming back.....because one day I'm going to get into an accident or have some nuclear waste spilled on me and become some mutant and be able to crush all of my workouts.....okay maybe that only happens in comic books...but a girl can dream right?  So judging from this workout I am guessing my theme song for the next few days will be "This girls Quads are on Fire" sung to the tune of Rihanna's this girl is on fire of course...simply ridiculous...at least I will be able to put my shirts on with ease...peeing..well that may be an issue...but I'm short so it's not that far of a drop...On a side not guess who's blazing the way into OLD AGE this week?!!!  yeah you guessed it!! ME!!! 31!! Just saying it makes me want to throw up......I mean seriously...31?!  How the hell did that happen?  What have I been doing for the last 30 years?  I mean I have been busy...but what have I been doing...I guess it's time to start focusing on what I am going to do in my next 30 years.  Step 1: Become Untouchable!!!!!

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