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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's my Birthday and I'll do a WOD if I want to....

Let's see....Where to begin....well today is my birthday...yep...I'm blazing the way into old age like a BOSS....31...even the number looks old....I remember being a kid and saying....oh god...please don't let me get that old when I heard people talk about their 30's....and here I am.....I'm 31....So today after rolling out of bed at the super early hour of 10:30...don't judge me...it's my birthday and my kids aren't home....eating my paleo breakfast of Eggs and Ham....making sure I went through every single wall post on Facebook and said thank you...I went to meet the Biffers for coffee....mmmmmmmmm.....sweet coffee....It was great seeing her and walking around Target...she gave me the most amazing gift ever...mismatched socks and an amazing book of photos....just perfect...well after that quick break from life I was feeling super amazing and headed over to crossfit....today was GOAT day...which basically means grab two things you suck at and do them on the minute every minute for 20 minutes...too easy right....wrong....lets just say drinking espresso before crossfit is not the greatest idea....Because Coffee means...

So drinking espresso means you can do them REALLY fast!!!!  Today I was super excited to do my one arm pull-up....totally did it....then....I tripped over the chalk bucket and sent the white powder all over the Black floor....Bravo Erika...Bravo......It takes skill to be this uncoordinated....Anyway, against my better judgement I completed the WOD...I was tired....my broken tailbone hurt...but I felt great for completing it...After that I went back home to celebrate my birthday with....well myself...because basically my birthday is just another day...can you believe my own mom forgets about it...so I did what any normal person would do...I grabbed my mop bucket and cleaned my entire house while crying about how pathetic my life is...yep real pity party here....Then I realized that Jessica still had to stop by to do her WOD....so I pulled myself together and tortured her for an hour....Great Day all around....
This week has basically killed me as far as working out goes.....between crossfit and the RX Junkies WOD's I feel like my legs are going to fall off....Crossfit has seriously been nothing but legs for what seems like years!!  Ok it's only been 3 days...but dude...I had Front Squats and Burpees one day..Followed by Kettle Bell Swings and Sled Pushes the next day...Then I had GHD sit ups today....So you can pretty much guess that I am walking around like..
Yeah like an old woman.....but it's not over....No!!!  Of course it isn't...they just posted the WOD for the open...Guess what it is...150 Wall Balls...90 Double Unders and 30 Muscle ups....Lets not even go there....So basically you want me to go to the box tomorrow and tear apart my legs with 150 Wall Balls.....Then whip myself as I attempt to do double unders when I can't even feel my legs...then mock me as I make pathetic attempts at completing A Muscle Up....lets not even discuss 30...because thats not even remotely close to happening....Sometimes I think the people who make up the WOD's have video cameras in all the boxes and tape all of our pathetic attempts to complete them so they can use them at drinking parties later on....because this WOD is just laughable....150 wall balls?!!  BAHAHAHAHAHA I am fairly certain my Quads will spontaneously combust after 60...let alone 150.....so for all of you coming by the box tomorrow....If I happen to burst into flames...please take a picture....then grab a fire extinguisher....UGH!!  You can pretty much guess what my face is right now...but to clarify when they posted this WOD I was like...
Right..............Not Cool Robert Frost.......Not Cool at all............