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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Two girls one WOD....

Woot!  Made it through the WOD today!  Pretty sure I will be standing up to Pee and unable to brush my hair tomorrow but who cares!  I am alive!!!  Crossfit-The only cult in America where people rejoice in crushing WOD's and inflicting immense pain on themselves!  Yeah!  

I am sure this sign should be posted outside the door at my Box....

so back to todays WOD..."Frannie"  also known as an evil siamese twin...a mixture of Fran...who sucks in her own right...and Annie...Who the hell let these girls play together?  Better question...Who the hell invited them over?!  It's like quick pretend like nobody is home and BAM!  There they are!  

50 double unders
50 situps
21 thrusters
21 pullups
50 double unders
50 situps
15 thrusters
15 pullups
50 double unders
50 situps
9 thrusters
9 pullups....

What the hell..........
Let's just explain some of this and why it sucks.....first...Fran is a dirty whore....theres a pain that everyone in the community knows...a burning in your lungs...a distinct taste of iron in your mouth....we all know it...it's like whats that burning I feel?  That taste....Oh yes...yes...now I remember...It's Fran....Now lets pair her up with her buddy Annie...Queen on the double unders...also known as queen of making you look like you just had a few hundred lashings...what's that?  Oh your legs are tired from Thrusters and you can barely do a single under?  Allow me to introduce you to the pain of Whipping yourself with a speed rope....150 times!!!
You know what that is?  Proof positive that too much girl on girl action can kill you....that's what that is....You know why we name our benchmark WOD's after girls?

I can tell you what name this one deserved...but children could be reading this.....
Anyway, I made it through another WOD and didn't die...of course it's now 3 hours later, I can barely move, my lungs hurt, and I am fairly certain I will not be able to perform most of my normal daily activities...ie...walking, breathing, or sitting down to pee tomorrow...but that is besides the point!  
I think.....
Well that is what I am going to tell myself anyway.....

Today's crossfit chalk outline...aka...aftermath....

I'm tired...I'm sore....Today was an extremely long day....My shoulder is torn....I have literally no time...I have to work early tomorrow...The WOD looks hard.....those are my excuses....but I am still here...because I am working on my Awesome Status...

well that and I am slightly twisted.......

What's your excuse?  

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