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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sweet Revenge

Dear RX Junkies...I have read your blogs....I know about your WOD or MOD motto.....I heard about your mishaps...actually
Sure I could go on a tangent and throw a fit about you not completing the WOD....Sure I could go back into my evil Drill Sergeant Mode and start flipping furniture and Ish like that....but really....that isn't what it's about....Just because you had a bad day...just because you had to scale back a WOD...that isn't cheating...Cheating is defined as using a lighter weight so you can finish a WOD faster even though you know you can do it at a higher weight....Cheating is stopping in the middle of a WOD because you think you are tired...or you just don't feel like finishing....If you in your heart know that you have worked as hard as you can....pushed as far as you could.....lifted as much as your body would allow...Then that my loves...that is not Cheating.....So you had a glass of wine...so you ate a piece of cake...is the world going to end?  No....I bet the sun will still rise the next morning......and all will still be well in the world....just don't turn a slip up into a landslide......Let's not say Oh no...I ate a piece of cake...Now that poor cake is sitting there looking horrible missing a piece....lets make it all disappear in my belly...That is not a slip up.....that is what we call FALLING OFF THE WAGON and will result in a personal visit from me....in which I guarantee you will soon taste that sweet cake once again....as it exits your body....but as for now I'll leave you with this.....A slip up is not the end of the world.....as long as you don't make it the end of your lifestyle change....don't cry over the slip up.....come back stronger and conquer that craving next time....Thank You....That is all.......


1 comment:

  1. Ahaha remember when I was asking you what it was called when someone talked about someone else online without saying their actual name? Ok, I still don't remember what that's called, but I get the message! :)
