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Monday, May 6, 2013

Tabata or something else...

Lets just say yesterdays WOD looked like a page from how to kill a crossfitter in 32 rounds or less.....I mean...Really Dave? A total of 32 rounds of tabata 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest..... 8 rounds of pullups followed by 8 rounds of push ups, 8 rounds of sit-ups, then 8 rounds of squats?!!!!  Come on!!  It sucked immensely...I killed the pull-ups....then went right on to the push-ups...by round four of Push ups I was reaching muscle failure at the end of each 20 second round...YES!!  Falling on your face is awesome...did I stop?  Nope...I just kept going....4 times I fell on my face....4!! By the end of this WOD I could literally feel every ounce of energy drained from my body....I WAS EXHAUSTED!!! Like OMG Exhausted.....I was laying on the floor ready to die...Tabata or Something else...two hours later I found out what the something else was....Pain....Lots and Lots of Pain....I couldn't even think straight it hurt so much..

So yeah, about that.....Once again I managed to make it through another WOD and live to tell about it....and feel it in every damn part of my body the next....This morning as I laid there listening to my nemesis AKA..the alarm clock go off I wondered if Tabata soreness was a viable excuse to miss a day at work...I decided it wasn't and dragged myself out of bed..ok..maybe it was more of a roll...but hey I made it....By the time I got to work I had already downed my double espresso and headed straight for the coffee maker in the break room...Hoping John had been the one to make it...His coffee is actually chewable...it's intense...but I needed it....Nope...Coffee was made by a tea drinker obviously because it did nothing for me!!!

This Paleo Challenge is killing me...I am so tired...I want my sushi back...and I am pretty sure I would trade one of my kids for a glass of milk right now...it's a good thing they are adorable because wow....I am craving milk like a back alley hooker looking for a fix.....It's that serious.....Todays WOD was ridiculously intense...After barely being able to walk...Dave

AKA this guy

Had us do 75 Wall Balls!!!  What?  Does he not realize I have to sit down to pee?  Come on!  First off, I'm beyond short...second off....WALL BALLS?!?!?!?!  To make it worse he added the element of knocking the ball out of our hands....If he was successful we had to do burpees...I'm convinced now that Dave is the Devil...No need to look any further folks..He works at my gym....You know how I know?  Because tomorrows WOD is 2000m Row and then...............yes it's written just like that....with nothing to follow....I'm guessing we are either going to be killed or wish we were...Either way, if I die NOTE MY TIME!!!!!

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