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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Coffee.....Bacon....and exercise...

 Early Mornings, Late Nights....My exhaustion can only be cured by one thing....thats right!  The crossfit trifecta!!!  Coffee...Bacon and Exercise!!!  The past few nights I haven't been able to fall asleep....I am attributing my new found insomnia to my lack of cross fit....If I don't workout enough...I don't sleep...I fall asleep at 1...ish..and I am back up at 6....yuck...how do I survive?  Say it with me....STARBUCKS.....yes...the most amazing thing on the face of this planet at the moment...Espresso...sweet nectar of the gods....my coworkers told me today that they have a 12 step program for people like me...If you ask me the only 12 steps I will be taking will be 12 steps closer to starbucks...

this week has been challenging for me...both mentally and physically...I am having a difficult time adjusting to my new job...I haven't been able to figure out my balance between work and cross fit...they moved up my school date causing me to miss my daughters cheer comp for the first time in her life...It's painful...I am making changes...making a change is painful...it stings a little bit...the same sting you feel when you whip yourself attempting to do a double under...I hate those by the way...I have asked several people why we need to jump rope and all I have received is the classic mom response..because crossfit says so...NOT Cool cross fit...Double unders are lame status...When I see double unders on the crossfit board of death I think to myself..yay...I get to do an amazing lift and then whip myself while I attempt to jump rope like a school girl at recess....so annoying..I need to go back to cross fit...it's imperative...I cant take it anymore...this may not seem like a big deal to you...but for me taking crossfit away from me is like taking the meds away from the mental patients at the hospital.....I need to figure this out soon....or I'll be one step closer to wearing that white jacket...
It's that serious....How do you know a cross fitter?  They are the individuals who are incapable of talking about anything else... GUILTY!!!  

it's okay though.  I am starting the paleo clean eating challenge at my gym....what program is this?  It's called the Whole 30...It is an amazing program...what qualifies it to be an amazing program....IT IS A LIFESTLYE CHANGE....I don't diet...I change my lifestyle to fit around my fitness goals..Guess what....it works...

I have said this before...If you don't like where you are...You must get up and move....If you don't like the way something turned out...Learn from your mistakes and don't do it again......Continuing to follow the same patterns of behavior will result in ending up right where you started...This makes sense right?

It seems to me that this should be something that we learned when we were children...incapable of taking care of ourselves...we learned quickly what hurt us and we avoided it the next time...It was ingrained...fire is hot...don't touch it....it was easy right?  So why are we having a hard time avoiding things we know hurt us as adults?  Because we live in a society where admitting you are wrong or aren't the best at something is shameful...Americans hate to lose....It sickens most of us....If you are like me losing or not being amazing at something pisses me off...I hate it...I focus on it....but I realize that I have to be willing to change to make a change....

That's right...Failure is the best way to learn...Enjoy screwing up..It means you are trying...You are moving forward....Does it hurt?  Hell yeah it does...falling on your face is never a pleasant feeling....but if we learn from it, it was all worth it in the end....one of my favorite examples came from none other than the man himself....Michael Jordan..... "

That is dedication...to succeed at life..You have to learn how to fail....
I have fallen on my face several times in my life....figuratively and literally....I have skills...I have told you this already..I can trip upstairs...Can you do that?  Learning how to fail is important....How can you see the light if you haven't lived through the darkness?  

I know what you are thinking....I can't fail...failing is the end of me...well I am here to tell you that failure will not kill you...Okay that's not 100 percent true...failing to look both ways on a busy street might cause you to fail...and never return...but those are minor details...One of my favorite books in the world talks you through making a change..facing your fears...finding your happiness...Who moved my cheese is a must read...There is my shameless plug for the amazing book...If you haven't read it yet...drop everything and go get the book...

Tomorrow is a new day...I may have failed today in...but tomorrow I will be better......

I am going to leave you with this final thought...The change you are making in the world...is it the change you want to see?  Be the change you want to see in the world...be on my team..it's time to get awesome....

1 comment:

  1. <3 You're a strong lady and you WILL find your balance sooner rather than later!
