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Monday, March 18, 2013


Okay...so todays workout was....okay todays workout sucked....but they all do...it's what I love about them.....I am never amazing at them...I never leave the box and say "what an amazingly easy WOD" I can't wait to go back and do another easy WOD tomorrow...because that would just be...well that would be LAME!!!!  How are you supposed to become better if you stay within your comfort zone?  It would be like Ok...I am super comfy right here on the couch...let me google a bunch of diet and exercise plans and never commit to them because well they require effort..and it hurts a little....and I'm a fragile person from Namby Pamby Land...and my mom said I can be anything I want...so obviously I can be strong even if I don't do anything...because DUH!!! Mom said so!!!  Yeah...lets not hold our breath waiting for that to happen...  If you have ever met me in person you know that I have this habit of trying to make you feel like you are part of the story...making you feel like you were there...complete with hand gestures and facial expressions...I say things like..."and then I was like..." and expect you to look to see what I was like... so to put you in my story today when I left crossfit I was like 

Yeah, It was like that.....I was cursing the girls for making me go through my second sugar detox because Dude...I seriously need my complex carbs to make it through their WODS and my own..But...I am here for them so I'm going to just suck it up...and drive on.....and hate them in silence......Okay so today I got my first pair of Reebok Nano's in....Hot pink of course...and they are AWESOME!!!  I love them!!!!  I can't say that they are better than my merrells because well that just isn't fair...but shhhhhh....between you and me....I'm kind of becoming obsessed with them....Tomorrow is my last day in my 30's...I am kind of nervous...but I'm excited...I mean it's not like I look like I am turning 31...Well depending on the time of day you talk to me....come by the house around 8pm after I have had the kids all day and you may either commit me or think I have one foot in the grave....so noon would probably be your best bet if you want to see me looking my best....alright so day what day is this of the sugar detox?  Who knows...I've lost count...it's been forever since I have had any stevia in my green tea....or honey.....oddly...I don't miss it.....I really don't miss it until I start in on my WOD...while the Sugar Detox is fantastic for those of us who are trying to break the cycle and turn away from the slow death we are causing by eating processed foods and sugar...it is freaking awful when you are doing two WODS a day......NOTE THIS!!!!!  But.....I feel fantastic...and my girls who now think I am some sadistic evil doctor are making great progress and are starting to make great lifestyle changes...I am becoming a real cross fitter...I am helping people change for the better and I love it!!!!!  My evil Doctor D has posted the WOD for tomorrow...It has two of my least favorite things in crossfit listed...I can either run distance....or row....I hate them both....like seriously....who wakes up and says hey lets go run several miles?  Crazy people...that's who...like the same type of crazy people who made up the saying Fun Run....dude...just because it rhymes doesn't mean it goes together....I mean bats and cats don't go together....Milk and silk....mouse and house...I mean come on....There are obviously people who would disagree with me and say Erika...Running is great!  It's good for you....It's a fundamental part of exercise and cross fit....yeah, yeah, yeah...I get it....so is taking spoonfuls of cod liver oil....but how many of you enjoy that?!!  I may run....but I will grumpy cat it the entire way....

Yeah...just like that....
So tomorrows WOD is going to suck....and the next days...and the next days...but it's part of what I love....call me crazy...call me sadistic...call me a cult member...it doesn't matter....because I am part of a group that has decided that taking the easy way out just wasn't going to cut it anymore....It's time to put in the work....SO get off the couch and start training for life!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I freakin' LOVE this blog entry!!! ahahahaha NO

    and for Christ's sake edit your settings so the stupid CAPCHA doesn't come up when you try to comment! :)
