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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Can I eat this?

Lets just be clear here....If you want to make any progress at all you have to be willing to make some changes in your life.....Change of any kind begins at the end of your comfort zone....What does that mean?  It means to be Blunt...You can't sit around eating your garbage food on the couch or at your desk and expect to lose the weight...or to be healthy...It just isn't going to happen!!!  I get asked all the time to help people...How do I lose weight...well you need to eat...REAL FOOD!!!  No you don't need to juice....No you don't need to fast...No you don't need to go on some stupid ass Beach Body Bull....You don't need to spend money to lose weight...you need to get back to basics....stop filling your body with garbage...You get what you put in....put in health...get out health....simple right?  Almost too simple...so simple people would rather look for something more difficult because it is advertised on TV...well go for it people....As for me...I'm going to keep eating right...and exercising...because guess what.....that's the secret.....Boom...You heard it here folks.....EAT....Eat Meat...Eat Veggies!  Eat Real Food!!  Lots of people will tell me that they are eating healthy...Oh today I only ate this...and they will lie in their food journals..or lie in their exercise logs...well guess what....You can't lie to your body....what you eat in private shows in public....What you don't do in private shows in public too....There is no quick fix to strength or weight loss...it's hard work...it's consistency...You have to want to change.....Nobody is perfect..Dude...when it is that week for me you better believe I crave chocolate like nobodys business....I may even think about selling one of my organs for some....but I don't...well not always....you can't deprive yourself all the time...If you do you'll just go on a binge and eat a cheat meal that could satisfy the state puff marshmallow man...(If you don't understand my reference please stop reading my blog)....so go ahead and cheat a little...live it up...once....not always....

Boom....Sugar is the Devil.....go on the Detox....then go Paleo....its the way to be...

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